Hoogeveen, a community on the higher moors of the eastern Netherlands, is consolidating its historic collections with its public library and needed a suitable exhibition ‘set’ to inaugurate the first phase of the transition. Now that we’re moving onto the second phase of a permanent housing for the collection, we look back at the original temporary project.

TvH made the design with favorite partner, Studio Louter (all while billeted in a camper in the mountains of Southern Oregon, USA.) This was to be an affordable, easily constructed decor designed to accent the temporary and shiftable character of the wharves of Hoogeveen: chiefly using accessible materials such as crates and pallets to showcase the objects “in transito”, as if waiting for their next home. Studio Louter created a graphic style that mixed the contemporary and historical, and we scattered elements of this throughout the decor, stenciled onto crates and showcases.

This lightweight design turned out to be so effective that we are considering the elements of it which will become permanent in the second phase of the project.